About Teknika Radica

"The gravest danger our Nation faces lies at the crossroads of radicalism and technology."

George W. Bush, 17 September 2002

TEKNIKA RADICA is a coalition of visual artists, writers, musicians, and scholars committed to radical engagement with technology in the arts. Our activities encourage the exchange of information and resources between the academy, underground art communities, lo-fi innovators, designer-programmers and industry professionals. We organize performances, exhibits, workshops, and colloquia that critically examine the ways in which we define and use technology, specifically the ways in which race, gender, sexuality and class may be organized, encoded - or subverted - in relation to social power and access to resources.

Our Mission

TEKNIKA RADICA is an organization run by women and is committed to radical engagement with technology in the arts.

Building Community. We are committed to the exchange of information and resources and collaboration between the academy, underground art crews, lo-fi innovators, DIY-ers, and professionals.
Destabilizing Hierarchies. We are committed to destabilizing conceptual polarities and implicit power hierarchies-such as male/female, white/raced, high/low culture, machine/body-that go unquestioned, limit our creativity, and restrict the ways in which we are able to interact with our technologies and with each other.
Creating New Knowledges and Meanings. We are committed to creating new and radical ways of knowing and alternative meanings that challenge the ways in which current uses of technology are complicit in organizing and encoding race, gender, sexuality, class, and social power. This includes revisiting and recuperating lost histories as well as historicizing our own work.
Expanding Access. We are committed to expanding the access of resources, knowledge and equipment, to traditionally under-represented populations in technological fields: women, people of color, working classes.

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