Members of Teknika Radica

Tracy McMullen

tmcmulle (at) ucsd (dot) edu

Tracy McMullen is a performer, composer and scholar. She has a B.A. in Political Science from Stanford University, and an M.M. in Jazz Performance and an M.A. in Music Composition from the University of North Texas. She is currently a Humanities Fellow in the Critical Studies/Experimental Practices doctoral program at UCSD. Tracy’s current interests include: the corporeal logics of performance, i.e., the creation of knowledge, meaning and being in the act of performing/improvising; the connection between current Western theoretical models, such as post-structuralism, to the Eastern philosophy of Buddhism; and a general overarching interest in Heidegger, Derrida, post-structuralism, Buddhism, conceptual art/artists and the art of performance. She will be teaching a course in Western philosophy this summer at UCSD through the Academic Connections program, available to qualified high school students.

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